Versioning GIMP

This is a brief description of how the various version variables at the top of are to be set, including gimp_interface_age.

Software version

The software version is composed of 3 version numbers: a major version, followed by a minor version, followed by a micro version (dot-separated): <major>.<minor>.<micro>.

The major version so far changes with GIMP’s Toolkit (GTK) version: we incremented to version 3 when we ported to GTK+3. We will be at GIMP 4 when we will port to GTK4.

Stable release versions always have even minor and micro versions. Odd minor version is a development branch for the next even minor version. Odd micro version is git unreleased code. Development release’s version are composed of an odd minor version with an even micro version.

From GIMP 3.0.0 and onward, our versioning scheme for minor and micro numbers of stable releases is as follows:

  • New features or functional changes should imply a minor version bump. The micro version is reset to zero.
  • Bugfix-only releases imply a micro version bump only.

In other words, we get back to the versioning scheme up to GIMP 2.8 branch, which we had relaxed in the 2.10 series. Nevertheless we don’t want anymore the situation we had back then where people would wait years for a new minor version. We are now targetting smaller and more focused minor releases so that we can have a minor-point release every few months.

Library versions

API version

Our libraries are suffixed with <major>.0 (e.g. 3.0 for the whole GIMP 3 major series), whatever the minor and micro versions.

In particular, it means that our main libgimp symlink will be and the pkg-config module is called gimp-3.0. The actual version of the API though is the same as the software version. For instance, libgimp shipped with GIMP 3.2.4 can be verified with:

$ pkg-config --modversion gimp-3.0

The main consequence is that backwards-compatibility is promised within a major series

A plug-in created for GIMP 3.2.4 should continue working on any further release of GIMP 3, with same minor version and higher micro version (e.g. GIMP 3.2.10) or with higher minor version (e.g. GIMP 3.4.0).

Libtool version

See Libtool’s versioning system in GNU docs, for definitions of libtool “current”, “revision” and “age” numbers as used below. This versioning scheme is separate from the main software and API version and allows to encode in the shared library file names additional concepts such as when new functions have been added.

  1. When making releases on the stable branch, increment the micro version and interface age:

    gimp_micro_version += 1;
    gimp_interface_age += 1;

    The micro version is the third number in the version field of project() meson method. gimp_interface_age is its own variable.

    If gimp_binary_age is defined as a constant, set gimp_binary_age += 1 else if gimp_binary_age is computed (see last point about backwards incompatible library updates), leave it as it is.

  2. NEVER increment gimp_interface_age by more than 1 at any time for whatever reason. If you increment gimp_interface_age by more than 1, then the libtool “current” number is decremented which could result in incompatible library interface with existing bin programs.

  3. If any functions have been added, set gimp_interface_age=0. This will cause the “current” and “age” part of libtool version to bump upwards, increasing the interface number the library implements while keeping the minimum interface number supported the same as before (i.e., backwards compatible ABI).

    Example 1
    In GIMP 2.8.10, with gimp_minor_version=8, gimp_micro_version=10 and gimp_interface_age=10 (incremented by 1 for every micro release), current=800 and age=800, which means that the libraries support interface numbers 0 through 800, and the interface DID NOT change at all between GIMP 2.8.0 to GIMP 2.8.10.
    Example 2
    In GIMP 2.8.12, with gimp_minor_version=8, gimp_micro_version=12 and gimp_interface_age=0, current=812 and age=812, which means that the libraries support interface numbers 0 through 812, and the ABI interface DID change in backwards compatible manner at the time gimp_interface_age was set to 0.
  4. If backwards compatibility was broken, set gimp_binary_age=0 and gimp_interface_age=0.

    This will cause “age” part of libtool version to be 0, increasing the minimum interface supported to “current” part of libtool version, and making ABI backwards incompatible (the linker will not be able to use these libraries with programs compiled to work against older libraries).

    ⚠️ Note that normally this case should not happen within a given stable series if possible. The ideal case should simply be a major version bump, so the minor and micro versions will be back to 0, which will trigger the interface age to be reset to 0 as well (using the default definition gimp_binary_age = 100 * gimp_app_version_minor + gimp_app_version_micro).

    In GIMP 2.8.14, with gimp_minor_version=8, gimp_micro_version=14, gimp_binary_age=0 and gimp_interface_age=0, current=814 and age=0, which means that the libraries support interface number 814 only, which tells libtool the ABI interface changed in backwards incompatible manner at the time gimp_binary_age was set to 0.