UX Team Specifications
Here is a list of specifications for interaction with the graphical interface, containing interaction logic, reasoning and rationale.
- Default Themes
- Layer effects UI
- Copy/Cut - Paste image data
- Graphic tablets, pen displays and touch screen support
- Item locks
Documents to Review
The following documents are in to be reviewed. They may be incomplete drafts, outdated, in need of completion after recent changes or some other reason. Therefore they should be read with a more critical mind.
- Action Search (Text-based Intent driven Tool) (review reason: draft from before finale specs)
- Mindstorm: n-point deformation tool (review reason: draft for playground tool)
- Warp tool: UI design info (review reason: draft from before finale specs)
- How GIMP should handle EXIF data (review reason: very old doc pre-2.4 document)